Shoulder Pain
Shoulder Pain
Shoulder pain is one of the most uncomfortable injuries that can occur after a car wreck. Some patients might not realize they injured their shoulder in the accident until their symptoms worsen. This can lead to long-term complications if left untreated. It is important to seek help as soon as possible. We have highly experienced providers that understand the injuries that result from being in an accident. We will perform a state-of-the-art exam checking your shoulder joint for range of motion and overall performance. A customized treatment plan will then be created for your injuries sustained in the car accident.
Our premier Doctors successfully diagnose and treat injuries that result from car accidents every day. You deserve a supportive, caring, and friendly team to help you with immediate attention and professional care. We have had great success helping thousands of accident victims recover both physically and financially for over 25 years!
With offices located across the state, our recovery team is the premier chiropractic clinic!
Call for an appointment today!